Jul 13, 2011

Women Are Always Right?!

Women are always right.....The sooner we as men accept this, the better off we will be in the long run. I promise.

No matter the situation, time, or woman....we're always wrong.

Now when I say this I hope you all don't actually think that I believe that females are in fact 100% right about everything. Wrong....Dead Wrong. I rarely think females are right about most things (Outside of things concerning their own bodies. You all can have that one....MOST times) but that doesn't mean when I get into any type of battle with a female I don't use the old adage: "Know when to Hold them, and when to Fold them." Learn this and you can live a stress-FREE life. Next time you in a debate (We're all adults here, we don't argue anymore right?...) with a female and ya'll are going back and forth, blow for blow, point counter-point...all that jazz. Stop in the middle of the conversation and say: "You know what? You're right. I'm wrong. I apologize." Now you're going to have to be able to say this convincingly because those few words can be quickly taken as you being facetious. That will quickly back-fire on you. You have to sell these words. She has to feel like she won and that you are actually admitting that you are wrong. If you can pull this off then the rest of your day will go smooth. 

Now if you take that same situation with you and your lady friend. Back and forth debate (Because we don't argue right? Adults here) and you tell her she is dead wrong. Tell her that she couldn't be more wrong about the situation and even go as far as to pull up factual evidence to further prove how wrong she is, a whole different situation will occur. You'll be feeling good about yourself and she'll be just sitting there. Silent. Nodding her head in an angry defeat. Why did you have to prove her right? Now for the rest of the day she's salty about that one conversation that you all had HOURS ago. You probably don't even remember the conversation or even the fact that you Wikipedia'd her and threw the evidence in her face as you grinned and did your happy dance. You don't remember any of that....but she does. She's still thinking about it. Trying to figure out how she can still prove you wrong. Thinking about how Wikipedia isn't a credible site, thinking...plotting...For. The. Rest. Of. The. Night. Now granted you can be right all you want to...but at what cost??

Now again I'm not trying to imply that women are always right, that would just be retarded. I'm just trying to say that at the end of the day do you want a Happy woman or a Mad woman. Because no matter what you end up deciding.....You Lose. Now do you lose the discussion? Or do you lose out on that intimacy you might have gotten later on that night.

....You choose

Why So Serious?!

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